Saturday, November 6, 2010

Carl Sagan Day 2010


paddykool said...

Hi there . I came across your site via the comicsgoldenage site which I enjoy a lot. The Carl Sagan Day video is very good . Your John Carter review is a lot kinder than most critiques I've read so far although , not having viewed the movie as yet ,I can't really judge it for myself as yet.The only films I've seen so far which have stayed true to both the spirit and letter of the books have been the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

paddykool said...

Hi there . I came across your site via the comicsgoldenage site which I enjoy a lot. The Carl Sagan Day video is very good . Your John Carter review is a lot kinder than most critiques I've read so far although , not having viewed the movie as yet ,I can't really judge it for myself as yet.The only films I've seen so far which have stayed true to both the spirit and letter of the books have been the Lord of the Rings trilogy.